The FBI was supposed to destroy the evidence but didn’t. This seems like it could be used against the FBI at a later date
This is what was reported, but there could have been some unreported fine print. As in destroyed at a future date if no contradicting evidence is found, big guess on my part.
“The FBI was supposed to destroy the evidence but didnt. This seems like it could be used against the FBI at a later date”
Don’t have to obey an unlawful order.
Civil War II is underway. The rank-and-file FBI has rebelled against Comey, the Clintons, and Obama. I expect the rank-and-file to prevail.
“The FBI was supposed to destroy the evidence but didnt. This seems like it could be used against the FBI at a later date.”
Read on an earlier thread that the agreement to destroy the laptops was part of a deal, and if the other participant in the deal lied about anything to the FBI, the deal was no longer binding. So if the bureau has any evidence of a lie by Mills or such, I expect they can exploit those laptops to their heart’s content.