They are running a 3D campaign now:
Despair (they want us to give up)
Discourage (they want us so discouraged we won’t even vote
Desperate (they are willing to say and do anything to win)
People who are willing to incite violence, bus illegal voters to stuff ballot boxes, lie, cheat, and steal to win will think nothing of fudging some poll numbers to advance their 3D agenda.
Demonize Russia as the spoiler if Hillary loses
Intimidate people who report fraud, claim any fraud reports presented are the products of Russian hackers, claim foreign interference in the U.S. election invalidates the balloting results, throw the selection of the next president to electors who have been targeted and personally threatened or bought, or to the Congress, who rubber stamp hillary as the logical choice
Increase security of the federalized police state to prevent “ violence” from protesters, neutralize dissident leaders by any means necessary, and prepare for a grand inauguration in January under the watchful guard of a million internal security apparatchik