Harry Truman once said that you could not get rich in politics unless you were a crook. The Clintons have amassed over $250 million during their years in politics, and want even more. Corrupt Hillary is a lying sick old crook, who accepts bribes and betrays our country. Everything she says and does, or causes to be said or done, must be viewed with the utmost suspicion. Her promises are worthless, unless they enrich her in some way. Her husband is a rapist and a pedophile whom she has actively enabled
“Harry Truman once said that you could not get rich in politics unless you were a crook. The Clintons have amassed over $250 million during their years in politics, and want even more. Corrupt Hillary is a lying sick old crook, who accepts bribes and betrays our country. Everything she says and does, or causes to be said or done, must be viewed with the utmost suspicion. Her promises are worthless, unless they enrich her in some way. Her husband is a rapist and a pedophile whom she has actively enabled”.
Best post of the day!