(Don Baer intervention?-Who is Don Baer?)
Background information[edit]
Donald M. Baer was a psychologist who contributed to the applied behavior analysis movement and pioneered the development of behavior analysis at two separate institutions. Dr. Baer is best known for his contributions at the University of Kansas.Donald M. Baer was born in St. Louis, Missouri on October 25, 1931. His family later moved to Chicago, Illinois. Baer attended the University of Chicago and received his doctoral degree in 1957 under the direction of Jacob L. Gewirtz (Poulson, 2002). After graduation, Baer began working with Sidney W. Bijou at the University of Washington. Dr. Baer was soon offered a faculty position at the University of Kansas where he remained until his death on April 28, 2002. He is survived by his wife Elsie Pinkston and his three daughters.
Early work[edit]
Collectively, Baer and Bijou established the behavior analysis approach to child development at the University of Washington (Anonymous, 2002). From 1957 to 1965, Baer and Bijou conducted an array of research on the effects of reinforcement contingencies on children (Anonymous, 2002). An influential paper titled “Effect of withdrawal of positive reinforcement on an extinguishing response in young children” was written during this time (Baer, 1961). This research article established the effectiveness of “withdrawal of positive reinforcement” as a means of reducing behavior(Baer, 1961., p. 1).
Could Hillary have been a research subject as a child?
Does this mean that hitlery is under some type of direct mind control a la MK ULTRA?
It’s a no-brainer that she is infected with anti-Christ and demonic spirits.
Instead of Dr. Bauer, she needs an exorcism.