“...distracted by the size of crowds a a rally, or conspiracy theories. Just look at the data again. Right now, the data is saying Clinton is going to win.”
It does? Then tell us what the hell DOES show anything?
The only thing you are doing is referring to some “data” (no elaboration past that”.
Hell who needs an election, just run some “data” and save us all billions of dollars and hours!
I swear do the Democrats have idiots that try this hard to talk you into defeat? If you aren’t actively trying to help, then do us all a favor and just stop talking.
Because looking at polls isnt help.
What doesn't help is lying to yourself and saying your are winning when you are losing. It deprives you of the chance to make changes that could actually gain votes.
If you think Trump is winning, he should do exactly what he has been doing. If you see the data, and see he is losing, then you know a change of strategy is in order.
And if you think polls are bad, how much dumber is it to be driving around counting campaign signs to make yourself feel better?