Not sure how twitter works, but can he get his information to someone else with a huge following and get it out that way?
Between facebook and twitter censoring as they do, it looks like a great financial opportunity for someone who ISN’T an alphabet agency and who has a spine to stand with.
Twitter has been banning conservatives outright (Milo Yiannapolis and others), banning people who share things contrary to liberal narratives (a moderate who showed that polls were biased that showed Hillary ahead), and even people who post things positive on Trump (Scott Adams of Dilbert fame shadow banned from Twitter after endorsing Trump).
They are PURGING the platform of conservatives in the name of fighting hate and bias, while liberals who hate mob people in organized groups, move off platform to try to break up people’s relationships (like Sargon of Akkad’s girlfriend getting hate messages, the parents of another critic), and actually threaten violence against conservatives seem never to be punished.
TLDR: conservative criticizes censorship or liberalism, banned or shadow-banned, liberal threatens to kill conservative, no punishment in most cases
Wikileaks would put it out and credit him
yes but he needs to get it to a brietbart or someone with a huge following...