I love this man! He fights!!
Like I told the GOP staffer (because of their dropping Trump’s pics from their websites)....this longtime Republican is sick and tired of namby pamby panty waisted RINO’s who fight Trump harder than they’ve EVER fought ILLary/Dems.
Trump is who and what we’ve been praying and begging for, for DECADES!!
Insider vs. outsider. Outsider vs. uniparty. It's up to the people. Brexit!
It's personal too. Meaning he isn't aligning himself against ALL of the GOP. Just certain members.
Our very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty.
@realDonaldTrump 9:05 AM - 11 Oct 2016
Puts Priebus in a pickle. He has to pick sides in doling out party funds.