Thank God Mike Pence is on the ticket... so Trump has shown some very good judgment there. Knowing Pence is VP gives me comfort that he can do great help for the country and influence Trump for the better. To keep our liberties, especially our freedom to worship (which Trump has promised), we have no other choice. Hillary has already informed us that we can no longer hold to unPeeCee Christian views on marriage, life and faith... ALL must worship at the alter of BAAL (the “holy” state). As she, Obama and the D.C. cartel have a 180 opposite view of the meaning of Exodus 20:3.
Pence is a praying man and I believe that, even as we speak, he is praying for Trump and encouraging him to continue to fight the good fight. God has placed Pence strategically alongside Trump. They need each other to reclaim the White House and the nation.