Trump answers first that Khan is an American hero. Then says Muslim ban has changed to extreme vetting, radditz interrupts, Trump challenges her for interrupting, then says Hillary wants to increas immigration for terrorist nations by 550%. His ploan is to take care of people in their home lands, not bring them here, especially not when we don't know about their love for our country.
Radditz asks Hillary to justify taking the risk of letting more in. Hillary says her vetting system will be perfect.
Hillary says we need to do our part, and lots of the carnage is caused by Russian action in Syria. She flasely says Trump is planning to ban immigration based on religion - she says such a test is impractical and dangerous. "What Donald Trump says about Muslinms is used to recruit fighters." She says Trump was in fact for the war in Iraq, despite Trump's denial.
Trump demands and gets time to reply, he brings up that other countries do not take their criminals back. He'd make them go back.
Trump looking very presidential. Hilliary has bad judgment, ICE endorsed Trump, he'll take care of borders.
Wikileaks up next - Hillary's speeches, "public and private position on certain issues." Is it okay for politicians to be two faced? LOL. To Crooked.
She says she was talking about Lincoln getting Congress to approve the 13th amendment.
Saw a good one on the other thread - Trump giving Hillary the trump thrump
Trump says "She got caught in a total lie, now she is blaing the lie on the late great Abraham Lincoln" Crowd laughs.
Trump says he doesn't know Putin ... and isn;t it funny that every time this sort of thing comes up, she blames Russia. He has no business in Russia, no loans with Russia. On taxes, he pays hundreds of millions. Buffet and Soros, who give her tones of money, took massive deductions too. And as soon as the audit is done, I'll release my tax returns.
Q to Trump, what would you do to tax the rich? Get rid of carried interest. Hillary could have done this years ago. Why didn;t she change it years ago? becayuse she had friends who didn;t want it changed, and they give you money to not change it. She's been there for 30 years, never changed it, never will.
He is killing her in this debate. Not even a close contest. I don;t care what the press says.
Trump says she is raising your tazes, he will lower them, and the US economy will grow. We settle for 1% growth, and China considers China a disaster with less than 5% growth.
To Hillary, what provisions will you change? She says everything Trump just said is not true. She says Trump hasn;t paid taxes in 20 years, ahd instead of saying what she would do, she says Trump would get rid of estate taxes to benefit himself. Okay, now she says nobody under 250,000 has tax increase, she will go wehre the money is, the wealthy (this is utter falshood, most of the money comes from middle class, not about 250,000). She rattles of the usual "I want to invest." She repeats the charge that Trump pays zero taxes.
Cooper brings up the 900 million dollar loss - and asks did you use the loss to avoid paying taxes? Yes, of course. Carried Interest Provision is not the same as loss carry forward, which is what Trump (and Hillary) used.
Trump brings up again, she had 30 years, all talk, no action. Plus bad judgement, Syria, Libya, Iraq, the vacuum they left is why ISIS is strong now.
Hillary - she has been in favor of getting rid of carried interest for years. Trump says "if you were an effective Senator, you could have done it." Applause. She is going to talk about her 30 years in poublic service. CHIP (chilrens health insurance)