Thanks - I’ll keep looking.
Btw - when you say more “user friendly format” - does that mean you have already have the data?
I don’t have the files.
The good folks at Reddit have their Weaponized Autistics going thru it. They are tracking leads going in wierd directions.
To Add: There are DNCC files in this leak that are the same as the ones Wikileaks dropped. But there is a trove of information in this leak by G2. There’s no way the democraps can officially say this isn’t new. The file is 812mb in a zip file. There’s no chance they can go through 10’s of thousands of docs and spreadsheets in 5 hours since this was dropped on the interwebs.
The kickbacks from the banks receiving TARP funds to the Dems is going to get a really bright spotlight put on it. Wells Fargo, BofA etc kicked back quite a bit of dough to the democraps. Pelosi got a chunk.....
The Seth Rich file. Hmmmm