Moral repentance and, with God's grace, amendment of life is the answer.
Your tube-tying strategy would violate the sanctity of the female body, treat women like canine strays rather than morally responsible persons, and sterilize 1/3 of the women in America.
Bodily maiming isn't part of the solution. It's part of the pollution.
Wickedness cannot remove wickedness.
***Your tube-tying strategy would violate the sanctity of the female body, treat women like canine strays rather than morally responsible persons, and sterilize 1/3 of the women in America.***
Do you believe that women who routinely abort their unborn are morally responsible? Would love to see the statistics of those who have more than one abortion.
It would be comforting to believe that they would find God and repentance. However, the Government and our Liberal Progressive society supports murder and condemns Christians.