Thank you! What happened to the stablizing influence on Kelly Anne Conway? This sounds like the dumb tangle he got caught into with the Khan Family. Wasting time OFF MESSAGE! Times like these, I have to wonder at Trump’s real goal when all is said done and voted for. What is he really trying to set into motion?
crap, is he sick ? seriously, how does anyone become so successful without understanding the basics, such as “stop digging” they must be high fiving over in the coven that he somehow seems unable to control himself. You don’t keep the thing alive, you kill it, by starving it. seems clear to me his helpers have lost their influence. Maybe if guiliani, newt and conway have an intervention and threaten to walk.....flame away but this is stupidity at its outer limits.
Hillary still has her in her ubiquitous campaign ads every day. So Trump should keep mum about a porn queen spewing out lies. I guess that is the way the Stupid Party operates. What’s next, instructing Trump supporters not to use Hillary’s middle name. Let Trump be Trump.