Jeb! is still a low-energy dolt in general, but he’s right about this. Who a person votes for is nobody’s business but their own and as a former President, GHWB deserves respect.
Does ANYONE really care what Jeb has to say? ANYONE?
Oh. It came from a Kennedy. They found the one group I respect less than Jeb Bush.
Yeb! and W will endorse illary if she gets behind in the polls.
They care about one thing, keeping the borders open and the laws unenforced.
The Bush family is largely responsible for the 30 million illegal aliens we have.
Good for Jeb...
Nah, their shared globalist interests played the ONLY role. I have no doubt the entire Bush family is pulling for Hillary, despite what some of them may say.
Inappropriate, but true disclosure per Jeb.
Jeb should know better than to leave his father alone with a Kennedy.
The Bushes did bad enough skipping the conviction, voting for HRC would make them look like total traitors. Sheesh.
Kudos? He’s just mad they’ve been outed.
Hey, Jeb, you are a sell out and your entire family family has thrown Trump under the bus.
Couldn’t make myself watch it, but it looks like the butt hurt is still strong with the Jebi knight.
C’mon boys. Hillary? Quit goofing around.
The Bush family. One of the best purchases the Saudis ever made.
We have to stop this “Elite Class” from running our country. Be it Democrat or Republican. The powers to be are certainly afraid of Trump!
Whatever this country’s future may be, we can never go back to the Bush’s and the Nixon’s and so on.
They were not committed to limited government, lower taxes etc. etc.
They made government bigger, they raised taxes, the list goes on....
They used patriotism and our armed forces to maintain world order in limited wars instead of waging total war to defeat the enemies of a sovereign nation.
Never again should we allow Bush’s to hold high office in this country.
Please clap.
I think Jebs ‘rage’ at having private info public is fake. I think the Bushes wanted the public to know, but at the same time, be able to show some degree of credible deniability.
Another ‘Don’t throw me into that briar patch’ situation.
Does anyone under 45 know of the Brer Rabbit and Tar Baby stories? I tend to doubt it. No schools would use them today, especially not Tar Baby!! Wait till BLM & ACLU heard about that one!
the fact that he didn’t deny shows that its indeed tru.
Oh just shut up Jeb , who cares. Stay off FB if you don’t like everyone is Mooshelle, btw, family very huggy, eh?