“Russias plan for dealing with the USA simple: Wait for us to collapse. They dont need to do anything as weve been set on a path of destruction by mad leftists.”
I think you have that bass ackwards. The way Russia is tanking financially (thanks to continuing oil prices that are below what they need to survive), and although our financial house is also in disarray, it’s not at the brink yet like Russia’s is. President Trump’s analog to “tear down this wall Mr. Gorbachev,” is “Drill Baby Drill!” And in so doing, we eff the Entire ME ( most especially the Saudis) and Africa and Venezuela as well.
So what happens if they run out of money? They cut their budgets, tighten their belts and continue on. Oil wealth is generally a curse because it discourages native industry something that Russia's working very hard to fix by regrowing their industries. Their debt load is almost nothing.
>although our financial house is also in disarray, its not at the brink yet like Russias is.
Have you checked out debt load? Do you really think we could eliminate EBT payments without mass riots and war in the streets? We're in bad shape.
>President Trumps analog to tear down this wall Mr. Gorbachev, is Drill Baby Drill! And in so doing, we eff the Entire ME ( most especially the Saudis) and Africa and Venezuela as well.
I have high hopes that Trump will put us on much better footing and allow the US to continue. However, if he loses, I expect collapse and civil war by 2030.