Lets not pretend the Enquirer wasn’t in the Trump corner....no more or less than Levin was in Cruz’s or CNN is in Hillary’s.
Let’s not pretend that The Enquirer is responsible for the Cruz family’s activities past or present.
The Enquirer- part I- philandering
Note the original leak and accusations regarding Amanda Carpenter and her ‘relationship’ with Ted were posted on line for the political arena as comments to her premature resignation from his staff back in April 2014. (The Hill or Politico - sorry can’t remember which one) That was many months prior to Trump entering the race.
part II Lee Harvey Cruzwald
Note that the Cruz father layout was taken from still shots of a video that was uploaded to Youtube back when Cruz was elected to the Senate. The seed was planted or ‘exposed’ quite a few years ago. And his name IS listed in JFK files from decades ago and there are similar photographs of him engaged in like-minded activities in other locations.
That’s long before The Enquirer stumbled upon it. We must surmise that it was a little insurance from the Bushes or some other opponent that knew of his father, Rafael.