their plan is to get the blacks angry and show up at the polls. NC is a state in play.
Trump & Pubs could say something like: “We have to get at the root of all this violence. Why do so many young blacks turn to crime, creating a virtual “war” between them and police, with the results all around that everyone has seen? Who’s policies have created the lack of jobs for blacks? Who’s policies have destroyed the black family? Whose policies have denigrated the value of life?(1) Who, claiming to help them, has cleverly used blacks, and made them dependent, to gain their own political power?”
(1) Might take this one out, as it brings in another social issue that might not help, overall...
Now, I have problems myself with the notion that lack of jobs alone causes crime. There are cultural and other factors, too. But, this is a time to keep the argument simple and direct.