I think you are all wrong. Her team is lowering expectations so that when she appears, fresh as a daisy, with lots of drug induced energy, brand new Mao trench coat, huge pee bag and best catheter, and 007 quality earpiece feeding her genius answers, she WINS. “Wow, Hillary looks GREAT” helps her.
I hope I am wrong. I’d like to see a grand mal seizure and pee all over the floor. But I think they are lowering expectations. She’s done a zillion debates jaunt fine. And now she has the earpiece to cover for her mental problems.
Pumped full of drugs is the key in your post.
You agree that she is in terrible health. Correct?
think you are all wrong. Her team is lowering expectations so that when she appears, fresh as a daisy, with lots of drug induced energy, brand new Mao trench coat, huge pee bag and best catheter, and 007 quality earpiece feeding her genius answers, she WINS. Wow, Hillary looks GREAT helps her.
I hope I am wrong. Id like to see a grand mal seizure and pee all over the floor. But I think they are lowering expectations. Shes done a zillion debates jaunt fine. And now she has the earpiece to cover for her mental problem
Pretty spot on...victory declared because she as a woman is such a fighter for all of us and in her magnanimity, she cast it aside to spurn the demon Trump. So she wins.