Some mad scrambling would have to take place that no one can see happening to get the techs in there to reprogram the chips
Diebold and Soros goes down
They're shittin' bricks, is MY guess.
That particular cheat is small potatoes and happens in Democrat controlled cities that are going to go Dem totally anyway. The problem is in the vote server hubs to which all the voting machines in a county or other area output to. There is a program on all og \\f them that is there for the administrator to adjust the vote count. He can’t add or subtract on the total but with a coupld of keystrokes he can move votes from one side to the other. How much would it take to bribe a few strategically placed such administrators? Do you suppose the Clintons or the DNC have enough money for that? hmmm?
Soros has the contract to download the machines from NT and FL and nine other states. His company that does that is located in Spain.