Well, with respect to harsh things said about other Republicans (and “never”-this-person-or-that), Trump and his supporters have been as bad as anybody, delighting not only in policy attacks but in personal ridicule too. Yes, Democrats can use such remarks against whichever Republican ends up running, and that was one of the drawbacks of the bitter primary fight.
In judging Levin, though, I think it wise to consider where he has most of his influence. After all, the general public and the Republican party establishment aren’t likely to be influenced by him (except very gradually over the years). Where his announcing he’ll vote for Trump can have a positive effect is with anti-Trump persons on the right, persons leaning toward being NeverTrumpers or currently uncomfortably NeverTrumpers.
Point well taken, there are always criticisms during the primaries which can be used against whoever wins, the famous term “voodoo economics” was coined by RR’s primary rival and future running mate George Bush. This is to be expected, but the fact that they were made during the primary is taken into consideration.
Traditionally, one of the most important purposes of the convention is to heal these wounds. One defeated challenger after another takes the stage to show the public that nomatter how fierce the battle during the primary, the party is united against the democrat. One ex president after another shows they are not thin skinned crybabies. A bunch of these key players couldn’t man up this time around. Pretty pathetic.
I don’t blame anyone for fighting hard for a nominee other than Trump during the primaries, that’s what the primaries are for.
My criticism of Levin, Beck, Romney, etc. is for their behavior after the convention. They have stupidly doubled down on their criticisms, and fueled the false perception that there is something dangerous about Trump that has even conservatives ‘concerned’. It fits right into the Clinton narrative. Thanks a lot Mark.
So yes, the Clinton campaign can use their comments (some recent) to embarrass Trump with “look what these conservative republicans have to say about their own nominee”, and it’s more effective, since the Trump campaign can’t point to other more recent supportive comments to counter the attack.
This is shameful and reckless. I agree with Hannity who says to these people - Shame on you! If Clinton is elected, you own the decades of damage she does to the courts, you own her job killing war on the coal industry, you own the total mess she makes of the Middle East, you own her decimation of the military, propping up of Obamacare,....etc.,etc.