Don’t fly drones over the yards of rednecks....
Actually, the issue of air rights arose a century ago with large heavier-than-air craft. The issue was wrested into Federal control, with the rationale that operators of aircraft should not need to be always asking permission of every landowner. Nobody’s made an accusation of drone retaliation, er, fly in Federal criminal court YET. But that doesn’t mean it couldn’t ever.
In the early ‘70s in Kansas, the AG, I think his name was Miller, filed suit against the Feds that said all air space above Kansas was the property of Kansas, therefore all laws on the ground apply to the sky. This came about because he wanted the alcohol laws in Kansas apply to aircraft flying over Kansas which means no alcohol or mixed drinks could be sold while over Kansas.
When I flew out in 1973 for AF boot camp in Texas, we could not have any alcohol while over Kansas, had to wait to get over Oklahoma before our last beer before bootcamp. LOL