Mr. Trump is already the president. He’s doing things on a GLOBAL scale before the election has even happened. He goes and does it. While O’Vomit golfs, while Cankles is given her strained peaches and nighty-night drugs and a fresh diaper, Trump us meeting with Il Presidente.
Not only a summit with Mexico but then a huge speech on immigration. Hillary “released” another “policy” today, though her campaign, Cankles was no where to be found.
This is SO over. Start stocking up for November 8th folks. It’s gonna be a victory party for the ages!!!
Mr. Trump is already the president. Hes doing things on a GLOBAL scale before the election has even happened. He goes and does it. While OVomit golfs, while Cankles is given her strained peaches and nighty-night drugs and a fresh diaper, Trump us meeting with Il Presidente.
Not only a summit with Mexico but then a huge speech on immigration. Hillary released another policy today, though her campaign, Cankles was no where to be found.
This is SO over. Start stocking up for November 8th folks. Its gonna be a victory party for the ages!!!
So far he had a say about Brexit, England, then the Louisiana disaster, and now Mexico. He has support groups in Europe and Eastern European countries. He has three campaign offices in Israel and somehow they are trying to convince us he will lose. Right!
I scheduled a vacation day for November 9. Going to buy two bottles of fine wine for the wife and I to party like it’s 2017.