The GOPe and the DNC are two sides of the same coin. They both are in a fight to the death against Trump. If Trump wins the GOPe ceases to exist and the DNC will be mortally wounded by a Justice Department that prosecutes all crime be it DNC or GOPe. There are crimes enough to go around on both sides to make them fear Donald Trump.
Trump was not my first or second or third pick. He is our candidate. We have a choice in November between Tyranny or Trump. I chose Trump.
>>The GOPe and the DNC are two sides of the same coin. They both are in a fight to the death against Trump.
This is the huge awakening that the Trump candidacy has exposed. It is Trump and We the People against the entire world’s Global Elitist Uber-Wealthy network of people who rule the world for their benefit, to the impoverishment of the common man.
It’s all coming to a head in November.
You are so correct. It will be Trump, or it will be HARD tyranny the likes of which Americans have NEVER known.