The objective dimensions clearly stated in Scripture do matter: how many animals can realistically fit in that space? with what degree of “life support”? Validity of that passage hinges very much on whether one could actually get enough animals, of enough genetic variety, in there to re-populate the earth as we know it now.
Doesn’t matter if you look at the Bible as a relationship book (how to relate between God and man), rather than a historical, factual recording of the past.
IMHO, the Bible is meant to be instructive and relational, not factual. It highlights important people who showed their devotion to God, and uses easy-to-remember numbers and stories to show that devotion.
Like Samson killing 1000 with the jawbone of a donkey. Assuming that was his weapon, it was clearly hand-to-hand combat. Assuming a 14 hour day (about as long as they get in Israel), that is more than 1 man a minute, non-stop.
Did Samson actually kill 1000, or 1001, or 997? Doesn’t matter. What DOES matter is that Samson, armed with the barest of the bare weapons, succeeded in the face of insurmountable odds because God was on his side.
The ark was more than 800 feet long (the cubit of a 8’ tall man was at least 2’).