Nobody ia going to take away the citizenship of those who were born here and who we have thus already declared citizens.
But rightly nobody feels sorry for the children of executives who have been stationed in Japan, for example, while growing up—and then have to leave when their parents’ gig is up and they have to go home too.
And those are legal citizens who have been paying more than their own way. So there is absolutely no reason to feel sorry for children of illegals being taken back home with them. Even just the idea that such simple enforcement isn’t humane or fair is the result of propaganda bought and promulgated on society by Dems who want more leftest votes and employers who want taxpayers to subsidize their low-wage immigrant employees.
And once legalization is through, the camel’s nose and both humps are already in the tent. Full citizenship certainly will soon follow.
Yes, they will they keep their citizenship, so of course they stay. And their parents who are illegals will be allowed to stay. If they have illegal alien siblings, they will be allowed to stay.
This is all speculation on my part, but I believe it will become fact.