These attacks by the federal government forces occurred during the Clinton reign of terror, with Janet Reno carrying out these atrocities on behalf of Pres. Clinton. Mrs. Clinton was in Austin, TX plotting with then TX Gov. Ann Richards the weekend before the attack on the Branch Davidian home in Waco. The fire set by the U.S. military burned to death 82 people including over 20 children. That blood is still on the Clinton’s hands. They should NEVER be allowed the power to destroy people who disagree with them again. But the Lord assures us, “Vengeance is mine. I will repay, says the Lord.” (Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:19) And so we wait ..
To be fair, Waco and Elian happened under Clinton (Reno) but Ruby Ridge was under GHW Bush.
The attack on the Weavers at Ruby Ridge happened during George Bush I’s presidency.
My recollection is that *most* of the Waco stuff occurred prior to Reno gaining any control over the DoJ. One of the oddities to come out was why during the early and mid parts, why all the reporting channels were going back to the First Lady and locking the AG out as a figurehead.
Recall that Reno was the 6th desperate attempt to get an AG nominated, after the first three declined because they were offered the position only on the condition that Hillary got to pick their staff. Then came whacko Zoe Baird, which the Clintons claimed they hadn’t actually vetted, then Kimba Woods who turned out to be surprisingly not extreme so the Clintons themselves torpedoed her nomination with leaks about her and table dancing for college money (once) and that like Baird had hired an illegal immigrant (though under different circumstance).
Now they were desperate and grabbed Reno. I think she had some working relationship with one of Hillary’s siblings, IIRC.
Hillary was up to her eyeballs in Waco.