I once saw my uncle chug a full pint of 100 proof Smirnoff vodka in under two minutes. He had it bad.
For anyone who has not been directly exposed to such addiction would find it hard to believe.
When I first saw that video, it blew my mind. I’ve never seen anything like that.
My dad was an pitiful sort alcoholic, and my stepdad was a violent alcoholic. Neither of them had this poor man’s problem though, however, alcohol totally destroyed both of their lives, professional and personal.
They say alcoholism runs in the genes, but I don’t know. My dad gave my grandma a book called Adult Children of Alcoholics. It was his way of telling her that her drinking problem was the cause of his, but if that was the case, I’d be an alcoholic too.
Conversely, my brother, who is the son of my step dad, is an alcoholic. He isn’t violent that I know of, but he has to drink all the time.
He cannot even take his two young sons to their skiing lessons without drinking 2-3 beers to loosen him up as he says.
Why not just be sober, Charlie, why not just be sober? But he can’t.
I don’t think he will end up as this man in the video did, but it’s possible.
From watching that, I see that it doesn’t necessarily take long to occur, and my brother drinks every day.