Not that long ago, the sky was falling because Trump ‘wouldn’t break 1200 delegates’ and we were assured a contested convention based on polling. He wound up hitting 1700.
I remember those days well. Those three weeks between the Wisconsin primary and the New York primary (where Trump got his mojo back for good) were sheer hell here. Not only were Cruz supporters rubbing it in but Trump supporters were all doom and gloom and pretty much throwing in the towel.
Back in those dark days before the NY primary, if I was to say that not only would Donald Trump hit the 1237 delegates needed but would run the table and surpass 1700 - I'd have been laughed off the forum.
Yet that is exactly what happened.
Not me! I knew he would surpass the needed delegates to get the nomination from the get-go ..I knew it all along without any doubt! But now we are in the big leagues and he needs to be at least two points ahead of Hillary not the other way around! Troublesome yes but still very hopeful he can turn it around with two major events the debates, if he doesn’t put foot in mouth and his TV bombardment spree!