Student loans are not washed away by bankruptcy, the college KNOWS that lib art degrees provide little of value unless a kid goes to law or biz school, but even that is not the ticket it once was:
The risk the kids face with such degrees is infinite but the schools face ZERO risk —the debt will be paid or will NEVER go away. In fact with interest the schools WANT them paid off late and often have instititional relationships with the collection agencies:
Far from making sure kids AVOID becoming slaves to companies, the schools THEMSELVES are performing the enslavement.
“Broaden your horizons..” blah, blah, blah.
The Left is deliberately misleading credulous young people, playing the evil role they always SAID would be played by Evil Corporationsssssss...
The degrees are valuable?
Fine —let the colleges SHARE the risk by making student debt dischargeable via bankruptcy.
Let them ACT the way they TALK.
No Federal Loans for the increasing number of useless liberal arts degrees.