Dignify skills training across the board? She says jobs of the future won't require 4 year degree. As if that's is some brilliant epiphany.
She's moved to a segment of international trade. More gibberish. Bush's fault, not enough enforcement of trade deals. Insinuates that Trump is an isolationist. Get chers from "make trade work for us instead of against us." Says she opposes TPP. As secretary of State, I fought hard for American businesses. She's playing the tough guy card. Anybody believe her? She is going to appoint a chief trade prosecutor, triple the number of trade officers, and not avers to imposing targeted tarriffs. Trump's approach is based on fear that we can't compete with the rest of world. Makes an Olympic reference. If I was her, I'd fire the speech writer.
Skilled trade education means common core
I don’t believe anything she’s saying - pay attention to what she is NOT saying like common core.
Which candidate will fight for fairness? The tide is not rising fast enough. Gains go to top 1%. Class warfare card. Tax credit for profit sharing. Patriot tax code that puts American jobs first. Whoa, going to eliminate cost-based writoffs for work performed overseas? That creates a TON of bureacratic garbage. New tax on multi-millionaires, close carried interest loophole (same as Trump on that one).
She speaks out in favor of the regulations, especially banking and environment. She will keep Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (which is a crony racket).
"The Trump loophole" allows him to pay less than half of current tax rate on his own businesses. She calls for his tax returns - crowd cheers (most of them can't add).
And she is in favor of the estate tax - but Trump getting rid of it saves Trump 4 billion dollars. Trump gets 4 billion, and 99.4% of American's get nothing. She thinks the government is entitled to Trump's money, because the government can spend it better - she gives examples of how the government will spend Trump's estate. Newsflash, Trump won't have to pay an estate tax. The business structures preclude it.