Liberals talk a big game of non-violence but in reality they practice it far more often than any conservative, as long as they don’t have to do the deed themselves they are perfectly content to see blood flow to insure their powers.
It would be interesting to see a study on violence and political leanings because l think you are right. Conservatives tend to be more peaceful in there private live.
It would be interesting to see a study on violence and political leanings because l think you are right. Conservatives tend to be more peaceful in there private live.
DNC Source: "Racists. We called our opponents racist. It worked--like, 93-98 times out of a hundred--people would back down. Run. Back then there was zero counter-narrative. McCain played it soft-ball. Romney was pretty clean but he wasn't ready to get nasty and take the heat. All their surrogates? Allies? Only Sarah Palin had the woman-card. That was it. We crushed them. Their online-portion of the vote? It was smaller than today--but they were demoralized. Shut down."
RealTrueNews: "So that was intentional."
DNC: "Totally. It tested through the roof. It did this time too--the focus groups? Say Donald Trump is racist? It'd work on them about 83 points--it came down due to saturation--but that'd be more than enough."
RTN: "So what IS the plan?"
DNC: "Nobody knows right now. I'm hearing drop out and give it to Tim Kaine. I'm hearing have some kind of big Black Lives Matter 'event' around the debates to get them canceled. I saw--"
[ trails off ]
RTN: "What?"
DNC: "You know the FBI's counter-terrorism playbook involves encouraging radicals to take extra steps to see if they will and then busting them?"
RTN: "We have."
DNC: "There's a plan to use assets inside the FBI--compromised agents--to have one of these go-too-far schemes actually not get stopped. Have something go wrong. Deliver guns--explosives--whatever to these radicalized groups and then instead of busing them . . . the event happens. That way it could be timed and targeted since it's actually agents doing the planning. I've seen a plan tor an event near the first debate--State of Emergency. Local Martial Law. It'd soft-kill the whole thing."
SOB's every one of 'em.