I have no issue with the prosecution of the bikers. They aren’t good people. That said, Waco still has to follow the law when it comes to their prosecution! There can’t be any shortcuts to justice! Somehow, you and some others here seem to think that because “everybody knows” biker’s are scum, that they should have their due process rights abused. Many of those bikers who were at Twin Peaks, didn’t harm anyone and even though you may not like them, they don’t deserve anything less than any of us would get if we were in a similar circumstance.
“Somehow, you and some others here seem to think that because everybody knows bikers are scum, that they should have their due process rights abused. “
Not really. I have been a biker since 1961. There are bikers and then there are the gangsters. The gangsters are scum.
I believe that all the scum arrested in Waco have had their due rights processed according to the law and the constitution. NO ONE here has ever cited any specific legal abuses of their rights.