I think they know that there’s something there, but you throw it out there.
I’m more concerned about something happening in time for them to get another candidate to put up.
She is the best candidate for us. Trump has the opportunity to win every single state... and in the process maintain and expand our lead in the Senate and House. Take more governorships.
I don’t believe the polls for one second.
I know maybe a hand full of people voting for her. I know people who dislike Trump, but will vote for him. I know a few, like my brother, who won’t vote this year. He voted for Romney, so why wouldn’t you vote for Trump?
IN short... I see landslide..... landslide..... landslide..........
It has taken a long time for Hillary's condition to be brought to center stage and there is no way the subject will be addressed honestly and quickly for another in the Democrat Party to take her spot.
Even if WikiLeaks comes out with evidence to take her out, it won't be a quick move.
We are talking and discussing Benghazi and that happened in our last election cycle!
Let's let it all play out and put it in God's hands. I personally think he's been looking over our shoulders through the entire election giving his thumbs up.