That is totally different from the 9/11 cheerleading Mohammadeans.
-- Our efforts should be directed towards smashing the existing media/education/entertainment paradigm. --
May be a fool's errand, but I agree, it's the seed for a host of public ills.
How does one mistakenly see pallets of cash?
May be a fool's errand, but I agree, it's the seed for a host of public ills.
Time and again I urge people to wake up and see the threat that the New York Liberal Democrat dominated "news" media and the Los Angeles Liberal Democrat dominated "entertainment" media poses to the nation, and time and again people simply ignore this point and go back to complaining about how we are losing.
The connection between us losing and the constant streams of misinformation and propaganda never seems to penetrate into their consciousness.
Our side has no voice that reaches the public except through carefully controlled blurbs that suits the fancy of left wing Democrats. We never have unencumbered access to the public. The public never gets to find out information important to making a decision because the media intercept and bury this information before it reaches them.
And voters are drawn from this pool of misinformed/uninformed people.
Tolerating this one sided control of the Broadcasting systems has very bad political consequences.