Think of a prostitute.
She has ten sex partners a night, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year for eons.
At a minimum that is 3,650 sex partners a year.
For ten years: 36,500 sex partners a year.
I won't EVEN go longer than ten years. Ugh.
Do the math. SHE makes homosexuals look like chaste nuns by comparison. She does it "for a living." Yeah, right.
She ends up hating it. Mr. Pimp gets her some drugs to make it less horrible. Then, she is an addict as well, getting porked, lying on her back, buck naked, legs up in the air, at the mercy of a total stranger, 3,650 times a year...at a minimum. Year after year after year until she "OD's" or the pimp beats her to death.
She makes some ahole pimp rich and gets THAT for herself.
Yeah, SHE makes the horny homosexuals look chaste.
She's MORE stupid that the horny homosexual men.
I guess that prostitutes and sexually active homosexual men aren’t practicing Christians.