Lots of chaos to come.
Doubt it. By the third day there will be no more bernites allowed inside. And Hillary will then win by acclimation.
By the end of the convention, the Bermites will either go Green Party (the Watermelon Party - Green on the outside, Red on the inside), join a commune, or kiss Hillary’s big ass.
The Democrat Party jackboot is coming down hard on dissenters and all true-believers will fall in line or else. I think a lot of parents of these millennial aholes will start cutting off funds for college, drugs, and housing if they stay off the Democrat Plantation.
These kids are batcrap stupid. No need to further brainwash them in Marxism. They ate it up by the bowl full with Bernie’s campaign jibberish - straight out of Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Castro.
Now there isn’t enough ExLax to clean out their brains full of crap. And there aren’t enough good paying jobs for them to sustain themselves without their parents’ money. They will either cave in and become good Clintonistas and hope for government jobs, or they will become public parasites, druggies, and career waiters. Just look at the human debris in Seattle if you want to see their future.
Let the little children protest, riot, piss in the streets, turn over trashcans or run nude down Broad Street. Much of America doesn’t give a damn about these Leftist Losers. They are more concerned with getting a job or keeping a job, keeping their kids in college, and having enough money to retire on.
An as Obama/Hillary look out over the decline of America, they can collectively say, with pride, “Yes we did”.