The RATs love those hyphenates.
Isn’t this the Baltimore Mayor that told the city cops “Let them have space to riot”?
Man, I had to read the thread just to make sure they really chose this horrible, rotten, inexplicable, racist, sexist, clueless, anglophobe. I’m just stunned. Wow! They REALLY want to die.
So... what do the leaked emails say about this gal?
She might just decide the give Crazy Bernie’s supporters “room to destroy” so they can let off some steam and maybe settle down.
Looting of the American people is part of the demonrat platform, so who better to proclaim, “Let the games begin!”
Appropriate. She pounded Baltimore into oblivion and chaos with her idiotic decisions, so why not for this week’s trainwreck as well?
“Pander Party”
Make the giant Panda their mascot!
I was expecting Rachel Dolezal but having Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is the icing on the cake. Looting (alternative shopping) will start when she pounds the gavel. And this is just the first day. It is unbelievable, you just can’t make up this shit. Maybe they will have Charles Manson as the keynote speaker.
Another idiot that can’t figure out her last name ... pathetic losers.
I hope she “gives them room to destroy things” as she did in Baltimore.
With the highly public exodus of the Bernie folks, the ONLY thing left in the Hillary campaign gas tank is pandering to the blacks.
The convention looks and sounds like a used car auction they only have old junk for sale every deal comes with a free bottle of snake oil.
OMG this is the 4th person that was supposed to do this. I feel like I am living in a dream right now.
Of the U.S. population, 24% identify as Liberals, 38% as Conservatives, and Moderates at 34%. Source
Hillary and the Dems are painting themselves into the Liberal corner when they should be moving to the center to take a big bite out of the Moderates.
If Trump takes the Conservative vote at 38% and picks up only half of the Moderate vote, he is at 55%. If Trump can pick up even more of the Moderate vote, he just keeps on climbing...at Hillary's expense.
Is Stephanie going to give the Bernie supporters room to destroy? I guess this is her consolation prize for having the cops she tried to have her pet prosecutors railroad found not guilty of St. Freddie’s demise in spite of her-what a slap in the face to Philly cops...
What happened to the Fudge woman?
They might as well just call it the Negro Party from now on. Then they could get all 110% of the black vote.