I’ve taken opiates for pain. I never had a problem. Imho, it depends on the person, not the drug.
I have taken opiates too, both for pain and to abuse them in order to get high.
I also did not become addicted to them, however I am aware of those who did.
The most opiates I have taken would be one Loricet, or similar type medication, at a time with a large meal so I didn’t get sick. I would mix that with Xanax and Soma and then smoke some weed on top of that. It produced a powerful high. I did get addicted to the Xanax though.
The person that I got these pills from told me about others that he sold to who were very addicted to opiates.
He had one guy who would come over and buy 20 Loricets and put them all in his mouth at the same time and just chew them up right then and there no liquids, no food, no nothing.
And not die from that. And sit there and shake his head yes at how good they made him feel.
There is a person with a high tolerance for opiates, and no doubt someone who would experience opiate withdrawal if they did not continue this behavior.
In order to get addicted to pills, you have to abuse the dosage and the rate over a long period of time and then run out.
It is at that time you will find out that you developed a true addiction.