I am confident Obama is enjoying his creation. It still has not reached peak in the USA. Give it time. Obama will be the gift that keeps on giving.
I figure another 9/11 is coming. Most likely a bigger event than 9/11. It could be like Clinton and Bush. Clinton set the stage. President Bush missed the signs.
Repeat history.
I am confident WWIII is underway. More and more people are saying it. More and more analysts are calling this WWIII.
It will be too late by the time everyone wakes up to the reality.
It is coming.
Obama now saying we cannot let incidents like this divide us as a people.
He says Muslims have been a part of American history from the beginning, when the Barbary Pirates were unfairly attacked by US Marines in an Islamophobic backlash against Muslims.
He says the only way to prove we are not fearful of or haters of Muslims is to resettle many more in the USA.
He says gotta go, can still get in 9 holes today.