Cop shoots 3 times. Misses target and hits wrong guy once. Not only that, but he feels the need to shoot at someone playing with a toy truck.
“Cop shoots 3 times. Misses target and hits wrong guy once. Not only that, but he feels the need to shoot at someone playing with a toy truck.”
So many questions. Why is a mentally challenged “patient” in the middle of the road.
Also, sounds like the officer needs more range time. If he survives the lynching, that is.
Oh come on, he was trying to shoot the toy truck out of his hands. A few tries more and maybe he would have. Darn caregiver spoiled all the fun.
Seriously, no cop should take a shot if innocents are nearby. There were plenty of other cops with a clear view to take a shot if necessary. The offending cop should be fired and brought up on charges.