> he does need to stop pandering to the Ron/Rand Paul and Pat Buchanan crowd with regard to foreign policy.
They’re the only crowd with a sane approach to foreign policy.
If this permanent war madness is the policy you support, you’re going to find yourself increasingly out of step with the American people - who are sick and tired of the brutal global nonsense and the breathtaking expense and lives lost and liberties lost - as you no doubt are experiencing so far.
what “permanent war?” Even for as bad as Iraq/Afghanistan are, those pale in comparison to wars like Vietnam in terms of lives lost, and money spent vs. America’s operations to end the Bolshevik Evil Empire.
God gave the world America to usher in an age a relative peace, prosperity, and freedom. His grace wanted us then and wants us now to spread freedom’s seed.
This is an old post.
Afganistan was a just war.
Full UN support even. China, Japan...
Get rid of Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda training camps.
Iraq however was a gigantic cluster fu...
The much maligned Hans Blix was right.
Thinking about it, I might make a vanity about that.
Hans Blix was right.