Good morning, exit82. (REminds me of Ben Hur where he was 41)
Yes, this has been a great year, made greater cause we’re all here. I think I’ll post the Trumprallylist tonight. We need to break 300.
Tonight should be great.
Also, thanks for posting about our friend, WVKayaker.
He is not doing well—still needs our prayers and support.
Here is his latest email from a few hours ago:
“What is happening? I got new surprise today. I can’t walk. Marlene had to push me to the bathroom so I could bathe and ...
I do not understand why God is testing me like this. 6 months ago everything was great, but it seems each day places a new challenge. I am determined to overcome, but I need help. My “Angel” , Marlene is at my side helping with my life, but my goal is to defeat this.
Many thanks for the help from those who have contributed. Please share this with friends and family, as with your help, we will overcome.”
Here is Page’s GoFundMe site for his medical expenses(he is in the Philipines)