The Bushes should get out of America and move to some bannana republic where they can be to slimey, crooked, lying, evil caudillos that they really want to be. America is America so the Bush brand of South American politics can FOAD.
Actually the Bush family should move to Mexico where they would be right at home. Not a big change for them. Life as usual.
The Bushes need to build a compound in Costa Rica and all move there.
“The Bushes should get out of America and move to some bannana republic where they can be the slimey, crooked, lying, evil caudillos that they really want to be.”
And make sure they take their little “half-breed ninny” George P with them. Texas, how could you have elected this worthless little turd to any statewide office. He’s at best, only deserving of being a men’s room attendent!
#13 IIRC G.W. bought some big tract of land in South America. Perhaps it’s time to take the whole fam damily including the little brown ones and relocate.
Jeb could have a full time job counting tree monkeys.
Years ago you would have been banned from FR for this.
The Bush family’s affinity for all things Mexican makes perfect sense. Mexico and other Latin American countries have institutionalized cronyism and the oligarchic padrone system, which is a model for how the Bushes think the US should be run (with Bushes and their allies as the oligarchs, of course).