Somebody must really want Trump to be elected.
FPCON DELTA describes a situation when a terrorist attack is taking place or has just occurred in the immediate area. FPCON Delta usually occurs only in the areas that are most vulnerable to or have been attacked. One notable example of a general FPCON Delta was directly following the September 11, 2001 attacks, when all military installations were placed at FPCON Delta and restricted to only military personnel. Force Protection Level I Antiterrorism Training defines FPCON Delta as: FPCON Delta applies when a terrorist attack has occurred or when intelligence indicates imminent terrorist action against a specific location. FPCON Delta is normally declared as a localized warning. The installation moves to a high state of alert, and mandatory security measures are implemented. Commanders are also authorized and encouraged to supplement mandatory security measures. FPCON Delta may cause delayed or canceled mission activities. You can expect delays and interruptions to daily routines.