Taxpayers demand to know who else among the Clinton cronies are cashing US govt paychecks Its an old bureaucratic trick for a politician to hand-pick people and put them on the public payroll long after you think theyre gone......perhaps as State Dept contractors.
<><> Hillary?
<><> Bill Clinton?
<><> Sid Blumenthal?
<><> Huma Abedin,
<><> Humas husband?
<><> Cheryl Mills?
<><> Cheryl mills live-in David Domenici?
<><> Chelsea Clinton?
<><> Chelseas husband?
this “state department contractor” questions you brought up circles back to the missing $6bb which, iirc, supposedly directed to contractors??
anything here?
BACKSTORY Hillary's pal, Sid Blumenthal was the conniving Clintons' bagman---a $325,000 employee of the Clinton Foundation, he had numerous paid side interests----promoting any number of foreign deals and schemes in which he had a financial interest.....many of which were predicated on the toppling of Libya's Khadaffi.
Blumenthal was ambidextrous---chronically emailing Hillary Libya foreign policy messages w/ one hand....his other hand firmly in the State Dept cookie jar.
In one confidential e-mail to Clinton, Blumenthal was clearly colluding w/ onetime Amb Joe Wilson (Valerie Plame's hubby) to help himself to the tax dollars in the State Dept cookie jar.
GAME ON Amb Wilson pumped himself up as a 'director' of Symbion Power---an outfit seeking millions of dollars in contracts from an obscure government agency chaired by Hillary....the Millennium Challenge Corp. (MCC)
In September 2010, Hillary's MCC awarded Symbion $47 million tax dollars for (cough) 'power projects in Tanzania.'
EVER WONDER how much of the $47 million tax dollars got to Tanzania....after the players divvied it up among Blumenthal, Wilson, the Clintons, Obama?
NOTE Millenium is also the source of the 100 million tax dollars Michele gave to Morocco "to teach Muslim girls" ===========================================
FREEPER ACTION PROJECT--DO THIS NOW: demand the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) books be opened. We demand to know the financial details and the scope and dimension of individuals connected to these outrageous State Dept giveaways.........govt parasites profiting at taxayers' expense.