Gingrich is too old, and has too much Clinton era baggage. I’d rather see General Flynn as VP. Gingrich could be Chief of Staff or something.
Gen FLYNN, I agree.
YES!!! Gen Flynn as Veep! And James “Mad Dog” Mattis as Def Sec!!!
Trump MUST select somebody DIVERESE like a woman.
The Republican Party must try to show it is balanced.
The masses today need to see DIVERSITY albeit Conservative or Republican but it must break away from the traditional mold if it hopes to win in November.
If Trump picks Gingrich he will regret it. The liberal/dim press will have a field day reviving Newt's baggage.
I like a lot about Newt but not the idea of his being picked as VP.
Flynn hasn’t proven himself to be very politically inclined. There are many issues where he would likely show weakness.
I like General Flynn, too.
The media quoted Gingrich yesterday as saying he would not necessarily accept the VP spot if it is offered to him by Trump.
Maybe Newt is playing hard to get.
Agree about the Clinton era baggage.