The governor must take control of the situation. He needs to call out the national guard now! Don’t let this deteriorate any further. The Feds will take charge if he doesn’t.
Why can't they just say New Black Panthers? That's the chapter the shooter belonged to. And I agree - lone wolf my ass. Whatever happened to the woman and two other back Moses they chased town to Kiest Blvd? That's black town now. Lots of drug and gang activity in that area. It used to be a really nice part of town several decades ago. It's gone Dearborn now...
I don't think so. If the cops need to hide, let the well-regulated Militia handle things until the cops feel safer.
Korean shopkeepers in L.A. know what to do.
ABSOLUTELY. Absolutely!
Otherwise, this is a taunt for white militias to be drawn in, which is what Lynch and Obama and the Black Panther types want.
They hate Red state TEXAS, and must want TEXAS collapsed.
“The governor must take control of the situation. “
I agree.