No democracy, no law, and no Constitution since the HHS dictates that the First Amendment isn't valid by forcing people to violate their religious beliefs when it comes to queers.
Looks to me like enemies foreign and domestic have already won.
We'll see if We The People do anything about it about it other than bitch. They haven't made a single massive demonstration or even outcry for the past eight years so . . .
They murdered LaVoy Finicum in cold blood. No response.
They deny you your Constitutional rights. No response.
They create new rights for illegals and perverts from nothing. No response.
They force you to pay for abortions and call it healthcare. No response.
They rub the fact that they’re above the law in your faces. No response.
When they come to take our very lives there will likely be no response.
Every commenter, here and everywhere else, thinks “This is not the hill to die on...”
I say they’re wrong.