Does today's finding of no indictment mean that the investigation into the Clinton Foundation is over as well?
One of the Clinton's constituencies is made up of liars, scam artists and cheaters. They admire the king and queen of such. The more people who join them in their nefarious ways, the more they believe they will get away with themselves. sad
Actually, we have no official acknowledgment that any such investigation has even been undertaken!
Director Comey pays lip service to the need in this affair of such great national importance to be "transparent" but he does not tell us if the FBI is even investigating a possible motive for what he acknowledges to be "negligent" handling of what he knowledges to be clearly labeled confidential, secret and even top-secret information. The motive involves hundreds of millions, perhaps even as much as $1 billion funneled into the Clinton controlled coffers and tens of millions poured directly into Clinton family pockets and the motive to keep any potential connection between that money and Hillary's official actions as Secretary of State secret.
The director of the FBI is at pains to tell us how diligent his agency has been in searching e-mails but we have no idea whether he is being diligent or even occupied in following the money.