Hillary has made history.
I hope this history gets talked about a lot in the coming campaign.
The liberals want us to talk about the history of the first woman pres. candidate and all that.
But Hillary has made history as the first major party pres. candidate under federal investigation.
That’s more significant that the history of being the first woman pres. nominee.
And her being the first woman pres. nominee of a major party doesn’t really count anyway, because she is only there because of her husband.
Feminism tells us that women are supposed to achieve great things on their own, not because of who they are married to.
"Hillary, you're an ambitious , vicious creep. You'll do anything to be president, like this charade. My getting
lewainskied translates into a lot of Democrat votes and donations. One sex-crazed Democrat offered me 200,000
if I got Monica to harmonica him."