The other ingredient here is that the Elite who decide who the Democrat candidate will be may be using the FBI probe as a cover for their actual decision.
She is tumbling in the polls and the key states and internals are even worse. I’m sure the Elite do their own polling. If they want to replace her with Biden or Sanders they will have to do it soon. The FBI probe will be the excuse. Lynch taking her stance as she did makes it look like a non-political decision, and distances Biden, Sanders, and Obama from the process.
Thank you.
It took 62 posts to get to an actual interesting comment. Of course I have been saying the same thing for well over a month to mostly deaf ears here at Good Old FR.
The Elite get to decide. FBI recommends indictment before the convention and the Elite have Bernie to deal with. After the convention and they have Obama to deal with. I'm betting they will take the Obama option and wait until Hillary gets the nomination in late July before they dump her (and Bernie). Then they can allow the Leader of the Elite, namely Obama himself, to anoint the next Leader of the Free World: Probably Biden or Elizabeth Warren.